Tuesday, July 13, 2010

gaga for gaga

you may be a shopaholic if you find yourself moving to a smaller apartment in the same building in order to fund your addiction.

ahem, for some people it's alcohol, for others it's drugs, flipping light switches, or racing cars...for me it's online shopping. since moving to kitty city and practically living in front of my computer throughout the work day, i have no other choice, it's my outlet, my happy place, my addiction. i may be on intervention in a few weeks, so be on the look out, good news is, i haven't been going to any sketchy hotels to talk to a camera.

besides, who can resist that rush of blood flowing through your finger tips as you push the 'process order' button? as you choose your size, color, study the pictures provided to imagine it on your body? hell, practically reach through your computer screen to grab it and put it on a hanger next to last week's purchase in your closet?! ok slowwww down kitty...

today's purchase was none other than for the monster mama herself...according to stubhub and the fedex man (who knows my name and knocks on our office door daily, oops) 2 tickets to see gaga in september will be in my grubby little hands in no more than 3 days time...the thought!

now just the waiting game until september 18...geeze, what am i going to wear??

xo marysue

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